showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Penguin-Kun Wars  ASCII (Home Data)1985Neither 4959241212542 nor 4988606100033 are visually verified.***In Penguin-Kun Wars you control a little cute penguin in a fictitious tournament against other cute animals. The rules are simple. The player who manages to toss all balls to the other side wins the round. If after 60 seconds no player managed that, the player which has less balls at his side wins. Getting hit by a ball results in a several second stun, which should be used to hitting the opponent even more and finally being able to get rid of all balls from your side. After each tournament round you play a bonus round, consisting of one of several mini-games like Air Hockey or Whack-A-Mole. The game is playable but doesn't motivate very long. And I really missed a two-player option. labelimageminimize
Bird Week  Toshiba EMI (Lenar)1986Bird Week is a simple, cute action game where you control a mother bird and have to collect butterflies/insects to feed your baby birds until they are ready to leave the nest. Also avoid numerous predators that try to catch you. The simple gameplay is accompanied by below average graphics and rather annoying music and clearly aimed at kids. Wikipedia categorizes this game amongst "biological simulations", but I think that is really far-fetched. You can't influence development of anything at all.***As a mother bird, you must gather worms and insects to feed your chicks. The won't eat until they're hungry. They die of hunger fairly quickly after demanding to eat. You can only carry one bite at a time. You have two or more chicks. Watch out for predators who are after you as you go hunting for your own prey.
Originally published by Toshiba-EMI. The VG Pocket Mini version is titled Worm Catcher.